Paid2surf Program.
Paid2surf program is a program that will earn you money when you using a program call viewbar while you were online. Usually this viewbar they use to put the advertisement so that you can see them. They expect you to click on the banner if there is an advertisement that you might interested. The viewbar works just like an advertisement you see on a website but instead it is on your desktop The amount of money you will get from this program is around $0.4 to $0.7 per hour you online might be more or less , again depending on their payment policy. Like PTRE program, this program also has referral program. You will also get paid when the person you reffer to them is online, but some of the company has restriction on how many hours that will be consider for their payment for a month. Example : one of the company may allow you to use the viewbar only for 40 hours online per month. This program is mostly effective for those who has unlimited internet access or already often online for lot of hours online. Joining this program may be a good idea as for reducing your internet bill each month :-P. But for those who are not so, I don't recommend this program as it would cost you more money to earn money, but you may consider it as a discount for your internet bill. If you still interested in the program, it would be a good idea to join more than one paid2surf program and join their referral program as it would increase your chance of earning lot of money while you surf the net. CAUTION : Still there is few consideration before you join this program as it would allow the viewbar program to collect information from your computer, though they said they don't collect personal information. There is also a chance of your computer vulnerable to hackers attack. For those who is interested in this program I must remind you to read their privacy statement, payment policy, restriction, information, and other explanation on their website. Below are few of the well known paid2surf program :
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